Micheal Madigan


In my paintings I explore ideas dealing with visual and sensory memory; the varied ways it is created, its conglomerate nature, and the ways it is changed and surrendered to time.  We are all composites of our lifetime of experiences, and memory is the repository of those experiences on both a personal and collective level. Through multiple layers of additive and subtractive process, my paintings build to an amalgam of colors, shapes, and textures with the open intention of creating an evocative form. These paintings are mercurial in their nature as evocative works. They change on inspection. They evolve and are made complete in your unique interaction with them.

This assembly of paintings is built from research visits to Italy, France, Spain and Ireland…places that have supplied a diverse and rich feast of memories and evocative events that stir the intentions for my works. Also, some new allowances in my intent …composite memories from 26 years of visits to hundreds of sites throughout these places and more…less specific to place, but evocative of familiarities and character of experiences that are difficult to put into words…and are, I think, signals of a maturing way of investigating memory and creating works with an evocative voice. Perhaps a kind way to say that memories are melding into myths…a new, rich source for process and painting.